Saturday, November 26, 2011

Steve Job's life increased by 2.5 years

Life expectancy Increasing 2.5 years of Steve Job after receiving a liver donor. Who would have thought the life expectancy of Steve Jobs that have no last month turned out to be a long two and a half years from sentencing doctor. This happened because she wonders received donor liver of a young victim of an accident.This was confirmed by James Eason, a doctor who performed the operation transplatasi liver Jobs secretly in Memphis, Tennessee, in 2009. It turns out that in addition to suffering from pancreatic cancer which eventually claimed his life, Jobs also experience severe liver disease.When Jobs first met with Eason in 2008. Eason was able to help cure the disease that has reached the livernya stadium. Founder of Apple's then go to Palo Alto in early 2009.In early March 2009, giving him the news that Eason is a young man who was killed by accident, and livernya available for transfusion. Jobs, with the condition that it was too alarming, immediate immediately underwent surgery. And the operation was successful."The kids Jobs have always been at his side when the operation took place, was set to give final goodbyes," recalls Eason, like loaded daily the Daily Mail on Thursday.His Jobs have been too close to death even after operation transplatasi exactly is success.He claims to be very impressed with the spirit of life indicated Jobs, although after operation still introduces the new iPhone, iPad, and iCloud."I can't believe anything that is his transplatasi after the operation," said a doctor working at the Methodist University Hospital transplatasi.After transplant, Eason are still keeping an eye on the development of Health Jobs. He was also very sad because of the bloody man body condition it's been very weak Syria, so that the age could not be expected soon.It turns out, the ' extension ' age for two and a half years that make a Steve Jobs could create a new innovation that is so amazing. Goodbye to you Steve Jobs.

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