Sunday, November 27, 2011

NASA successfully launches ' Robot Dreams ' to Mars

Florida-When a few weeks, finally awaits ' Robot dreams ' belong to NASA has left for the planet Mars.As quoted from ST, Curiosity, the Robot like-sized car and heft 1 ton, are equipped with a laser beam that can be used as a tool for cutting of rocks on Mars, to examine the structure and also examined the content of rocks.Curiosity also has a robotic arm equipped with a drill and 10 other science equipment, including two video cameras. Motion Sensor will also facilitate the Curiosity to report the situation to the Earth as a State of the weather conditions on Mars as well as the level of radiation in this atmosphere.A Robot that has the official name as Mars Laboratory (MSL) is sent to Mars at 10: 02 a.m. local time, via the Atlas V rocket, to launch its mission for nine months on the Red Planet.

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