Tuesday, November 29, 2011

150 illegal goods website shut down by US Government

Washington-United States Government closed the 150 websites that Albania were engaged in illegal sales transactions and the spread of counterfeit goods and piracy of copyrights, so the US Justice Department information, Monday (3/11).The operation was performed by Implementing Department of Justice, immigration and customs (ICE), the investigation of Homeland Security (HSI) and other federal agencies is carried out to coincide with the "Cyber Monday", the biggest online shopping day this year."Intellectual property rights Crimes that may harm consumers, including business and threaten financial stability and economic opportunity. And today, we've sent the message is clear that the Department would remain on standby in protecting the economic welfare of the people and the safety of the community through the application of strong intellectual property rights, "said Attorney General Eric Holder Holder was quoted as saying by Xinhua News Agency.All 150 Web sites that have been blocked within the auspices of the federal Government. The visitors will find these Web banners confiscation tells them that the domain was confiscated by the federal Government.Federal agents shut down a number of purchasing counterfeit products such as clothing, golf supplies sports professional, DVD, footwear, handbags and sunglasses that are all illegal and sold via the internet.

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